Sunday 12 May 2013

Mother's Day

I've noticed many people I talk to are close with their family which is obviously normal. They occasionally have fall outs but then again remain close. I wish I was close with my family but I guess not everything is possible. My family only sees each other on birthdays, Christmas and Easter. We don't randomly visit and if we do there's a whole lot of screaming and arguments. No one ever seems to really get along. It may be because they're Serbs therefore have a lack of patience, are extremely stubborn and always think they're right or that they don't really value each other. 
There's always a whole lot of shit they keep from each other. I mean its a little family of us here, like 9 people yet somehow there is always some problem occurring  So I guess that's why we all distance ourselves; to avoid these shitty arguments. 
Its wrong though because I wish I was close to them. I don't get to celebrate mothers day today; my mum and I are extremely distant. Sometimes I wish things were normal; that I could turn to my family for things, that I could have a normal conversation with arguing and screaming. I wish we were all close but i guess your friends are your family too, right? Well i'm still choosing those friends that'll view as family. Its really hard to determine who you can trust nowadays but i'll find them eventually.

Self Harm

After finding out one of my friends self harms, I knew I wanted to help him. As a previous sufferer of major depression and anxiety I know all too well about how that certain person was feeling. 
I decided to research self harm as I personally cannot understand how someone could do that to themselves; it seemed so strange, scary and insane to me.

So  I read this and I thought to 
I get that people cut because they are sad and really unhappy but what I find wrong is the dickheads that make them this upset. Those bullies that call them fat and ugly, that put them down; that harass them when they already have other worries and problems at home or what not. Don't insult people especially when they've done nothing wrong to you because you never know how much those words could hurt them. And I do understand that sometimes people bring shit upon themselves but be the mature one and just don't add on to what they may be feeling. In the end, karma's a bitch and it'll get everyone back. But that's easier said then done right? I know it is, because I struggle with not giving revenge when someone fucks me over too. 

In the end its terrible how much sadness one can feel to begin inflicting physical pain upon themselves. I wish there was a way everyone could just stay positive and have enough will power to simply not focus on all the negatives but instead the little things in life that make us happy,

To all those fighting with self harm; i'm proud of you, keep going ♥

Friday 10 May 2013

True colours

You think you know someone but then they begin to change, to show their true colours. Eventually they prove to be the person that you thought they never were and your left thinking what the fuck..its not something you saw coming, its not something you can change either. It's just something that happens and it ruins people, it ruins friendships, it ruins everything.
I was friends with this certain girl over a month ago. She was great; I valued her very much. Although she made some poor decisions and didn't respect her body, I didnt judge her for it. Things were great within our friendship and then she began to change. She eventually turned into someone I no longer could recognise but I guess that was just her showing her true colours.
It was shocking to see her change into someone so different. That's made me realise; nothing is ever as it seems. I dont believe you really ever get to know someone. There are certain things people hide from you. When you think you know them, they might just surprise you.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Very first post

Oh my, this is my very first post! After reading a few blogs I just really wanted to create one. It'll be my own place where I can share all my thoughts and even rant about possibly problems that arise. 
I watched seven pounds the other day and its really making me think. There's so many people out there with different kind of illnesses and problems yet many of us seem to complain and be unhappy with our lives. And I am one of them, I tend to focus on negative things instead of the little things that make me happy. What would life be like if you were born with a heart condition? You could die within a month or a year or 10 years; the amount you live would be uncertain. What if you were a child with cancer? There are so many worse scenarios yet the people that are handed everything, complain the most. I don't believe people understand how lucky they actually are. Just don't expect too much, that way you won't be disappointed and unhappy.
If your still unhappy find something that interested you and do it. There's nothing worse then doing nothing when your capable of doing anything. Nothings impossible. I feel bad for those that have disabilities because I know they are limited with the things they can do. There's nothing worse then wanting to be able to walk or run and knowing you'll never get the chance to do that. 
I believe everyone is put on earth for a reason. Instead of being closed off to the rest of the world, be yourself and have fun. Every second that goes by, your older and that means you have less time on this earth. Laugh out loud, live it up and take chances!