Thursday, 9 May 2013

Very first post

Oh my, this is my very first post! After reading a few blogs I just really wanted to create one. It'll be my own place where I can share all my thoughts and even rant about possibly problems that arise. 
I watched seven pounds the other day and its really making me think. There's so many people out there with different kind of illnesses and problems yet many of us seem to complain and be unhappy with our lives. And I am one of them, I tend to focus on negative things instead of the little things that make me happy. What would life be like if you were born with a heart condition? You could die within a month or a year or 10 years; the amount you live would be uncertain. What if you were a child with cancer? There are so many worse scenarios yet the people that are handed everything, complain the most. I don't believe people understand how lucky they actually are. Just don't expect too much, that way you won't be disappointed and unhappy.
If your still unhappy find something that interested you and do it. There's nothing worse then doing nothing when your capable of doing anything. Nothings impossible. I feel bad for those that have disabilities because I know they are limited with the things they can do. There's nothing worse then wanting to be able to walk or run and knowing you'll never get the chance to do that. 
I believe everyone is put on earth for a reason. Instead of being closed off to the rest of the world, be yourself and have fun. Every second that goes by, your older and that means you have less time on this earth. Laugh out loud, live it up and take chances! 

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